Fiona Rutherford, BuzzFeed News’ Reporter, talked to London Met Students about her difficulties in dealing with emotions while she was covering tough stories.
The 25-years-old journalist explained how she had to push back her feelings, approach people involved in dramatic events and ask uncomfortable questions in order to complete her job.
About her interviews with the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, she said: “In a way, as a journalist, I felt sorry but I had to put my emotions on the side and do my job and ask the hardest questions. I felt really bad in pushing the answers but it was important for me to know it”.
Fiona was one of the first reporters at the disaster that broke out on 14 June 2017. She described the event as “surreal” and interviews with survivors as “one of the most difficult stories I had to cover”.
She then shared with students her other articles about disableds, cyber bullying and people coping with loss, picturing the death knock as one of the hardest thing in her career.
She also added: “Journalism is powerful, it might take a lot of work but give a voice to people that do not really have one and a platform to share their stories. This is really important.”
Most of her stories went viral on the web and appeared in major channel such as Good Morning Britain. She commented: “Wow, my little article can turn into news”.
The meeting concluded with some tips for the future journalists. She talked about identity and good attitude as must-haves for a career in the newsroom.
Fiona, applauded by Journalism students of London Metropolitan University, was one of the guests during the Fast Forward Festival that took place at the Holloway Campus from 13th to 17th November.